Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 1-2

This is really it! I am officially back in school and I am officially learning to cook!

I intended to start this blog a week earlier but can't think of an apt title for it. Hmmm...that's what I get for not writing for ages and having 3 anesthesia a dull mind! Anyways, here is a sum up of the things we did in the past week or so.

Orientation. Check.
Folders, handbook. Check.
Uniform, ID. Check.
First Aid orientation. Check.
Fire Safety. Check.
Earthquake and Fire Drill. Check.
Knife set. Check.

Done with my first week in ISCAHM, pretty much listed on top what we've done for the first week. Orientation, safety seminars and drills.

This is our 2nd week and one by one we are meeting our chefs, still on lecture part regarding teamwork and kitchen safety.